拐点 2020年5月26日


节目贡献者:布莱恩·哈维, Stephen Ludwig


随着世界正在经历越来越多的恶劣天气事件, 社区需要做长期准备. 在这一集 拐点布莱恩·哈维, 正规博彩十大网站排名' Vice President and Head of Major Programs and Projects Group, EMEA, talks about how the number and severity of floods and droughts around the world are encouraging new ways of planning to mitigate the impacts.

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布莱恩·哈维 雅各布斯欧洲公司的领导团队, 中东和非洲业务, with specific responsibility for the 正规博彩十大网站排名 European major programme business, which includes some of the most iconic projects globally at this time.

拥有近三十年的全球多部门经验, 解决一些世界上最大的挑战, Bryan对主要首页的交付有着独特的见解, 融资机会和风险管理. He is an advocate for future infrastructure delivery models that focus collaborative effort on balancing the needs of society, 面对气候变化的挑战, 城市化与人口增长. 他对可持续混合首页解决方案感兴趣, is one that he believes offers maximum opportunity to bring together public and private investors.

除了他的工程硕士学位, Bryan also holds an MBA in Global Entrepreneurship from The London School of Economics and Political Science.